Apr 21, 2019
There are NINE CATS in KJ's Kingdom but only ONE will get the Throne!
Each cat been paired with a Game of Thrones character that closest resembles them. None of these fur babies are as savage, of course. Well, maybe a few are.
Even if you're not watching the show, you can cheer on your favorite one of our fur babies & their cousins to be the cat that reigns supreme and wins a donation to their favorite shelter!
Paired with Daenerys because of her powerful nature and general
belief that she should be queen, it's Amelia!
If Amelia wins the Throne, Johnson County
Community Cats wins a $100 donation in her name.
Paired with Tyrion because of his bravery and wise counsel that
it often falls on deaf ears, it's Grayson!
If Grayson wins the Throne, FACE Low-Cost Animal
Clinicwins a $100 donation in his name.
Paired with Jon Snow because he is a quiet guy who's found
himself current king of his clan but isn't sure he wants it, this
is Rhodey!
If Rhodey wins the Throne, Humane Society for
Hamilton County (Indiana) wins a $100 donation in his
Paired with Sansa because of her sweet appearance but often
sneaky ways, don't count either of these two out of the race! This
is Melody!
If Melody wins the Throne, IndyHumane wins a $100 donation in her name.
Paired with Cersei because of her sinister stare and desire to
rule even it it means whacking those closest to her is
If Ana wins the Throne, Circle City
Kitties wins a $100 donation in her name.
Paired with the Night King because of her ice blue eyes and a
demeanor that says "don't mess with me" this is Shiloh!
If Shiloh wins the Throne, Heaven After Hell
Rescue wins a $100 donation in her name.
Paired with Bran because of his intense stare, sometimes odd behavior and the similar fur look, this is Grady!
If Grady wins the Throne, Cats Haven wins a $100 donation in his name.
Paired with Arya because of determination and usually innocent
appearance, she's small but she's ready to rule. This is
If Panchita wins the Throne, Friends of Indianapolis
Animal Care Services wins a $100 donation in her name.
Paired with Samwell because he has the heart of a lion and his
similar sweet, confused expression, this is Leo!
If Leo wins the Throne, Animal Outreach of
Shelby County wins a $100 donation in his name.